By Shelly Leonard
February 27, 2020
Welcome to my latest mad idea a “blog” all very trendy or at least it was last year. I have thought about this for a while and decided that I obviously am not busy enough running the office here at Nightingale Service Centre, so I would try and inform, entertain and share my experiences as a car owner, garage owner and the better half of a car enthusiast and petrol head. As I am no technical expert I will find out any techie answers from the experts who work very hard downstairs running the workshop, fixing and caring for your vehicles. If you have any questions regarding cars, that you feel I could ask the workshop for you I am happy to go and find out, I might even surprise myself and know the answer. Please email your queries to Single Use Plastics was a huge talking point last year and rightly so! Quite simply, single use plastics are contributing to the mounting waste that is clogging our oceans. Here at Nightingale Services Centre Ltd, we deal with our waste appropriately and in future blogs I am planning to cover where all our motoring waste goes. We aren’t perfect but let's take a look at what we are doing here in our workshops. This week we saw the arrival of our “reusable” seat covers, a simple idea however we have to remember to remove the covers prior to the vehicle collection. Then there is the laundry, so it has been decided that I shall be the keeper of the laundry bin. Now this is fine as I have recently connected with a “Plastic Free” shop in my local town where I will be purchasing laundry products from them in a bid to limit the impact of plastic waste to our environment. In the future as we get used to the new system should you find a seat cover in your car please can you return it to us at Nightingale Service Centre.